Monday 23 November 2009

Little Miss Grumpy

It has been a funny past couple of days and I have been left in the strangest mood today.

I went out shopping on Saturday with a friend who was visiting London and we got absolutely drenched. I really hate getting wet when I am out and about. I felt miserable and cold for the rest of the day. What is with this stormy weather?

Sunday was spent hiding indoors and watching the entire first season of the City. I really don’t know why I am so addicted to that show. I think it is Erin… She seems really cool and has awesome clothes. Anyway, when Sunday evening had rolled around and I hadn’t moved from the couch, I felt slightly lazy and guilty.

This morning the rain was still falling and my day got off to a rough start after my computer got a virus. I have been forced to spend my day working on a dust covered desk which is also covered in stale cake crumbs. It hasn’t left me in the best of moods because I think I have lost 2 years worth of work emails. Oh dear.

On a different note - I wanted to post some pictures of outfits from the weekend. This is me on Saturday before shopping (note the dry hair).

These pictures are from Sunday evening. I recently got a new jacket and dress from Urban Outfitters and I totally love them. The jacket is really light and has big floppy pockets. The dress is really short so it has to be worn with footless tights. It is so soft and comfortable. I don’t think these pictures do them any justice though. I look a bit orange really!

Hope you are all having better days then me!


  1. Great post! I espacially like your first outfit :) But tell me, girl: You're from London, so you have to have this absolutely great british accent which I love so much, don't you?
    Kisses from Germany :*

  2. Beautiful 2 outfits here !!

    And I really love love your wolf tee with that plaid shirt,I'm wearing my wolf tee today as well<3

    Gorgeous black jacket you've gotten tooo.

  3. we have similar depressive weather, but your hippies outfit is great!

  4. Aww I hope your days are getting better now!! =) I really like the plaid and wolf combination, plus the black jacket looks nice on you.

  5. The rain is driving me CRAZY at the moment - I've been trying to give out CVs (I need some clothes store discount and am sick of serving old people food they can't chew) and it's very difficult to make a good first impression when you look like a drowned rat! Loooveee your wolf tee - it looks great with the plaid! :) x

  6. The wolf tee is so cool!!

    Thank you so much for stopping by!
